Eteri Tutberidze about parting with Alena Kostornaia
Eteri Tutberidze about parting with Alena Kostornaia.
from Eteri Tutberidze’s Instagram

Eteri: They come to us nice, kind, with an open eyes, wanting to achieve results, to prove to themselves and others.
Time passes, we work productively and sometimes achieve great results.
And then ….. it seems that the outside world affects our dear and kind. More and more new conditions for the continuation of joint work appear (like an increase in payment for love).
Once Julia made demands not to skate on the same ice with Zhenya. We tried to satisfy all the demands – it didn’t help. Then Zhenya refused to skate with Alina. And now from Alena we have received a whole list of non grata girls. That’s where we parted with her …
Are we going to change something in our training system? No. We are doing everything right. I am sure that there are solid, loyal, resistant to external irritants among those who are with us.
Related topics: Alena Kostornaia, Eteri Tutberidze
I kind of don’t Eteri’s training style, but for this case I totally agree with her. You must respect to your coaches you teamates before you think you are superstar.
Eteri, you are a great coach/great manager in coaching figure scating- no doubt. But you must agree, that figure scating is not a team sport and never will be. Competing, train with other good girls every day is basically ok, but you have an envoronement, methods what is very toxic. You get the high talanted girls from other coaches- you take them from them away. Ok. I understand. But you have too many girls at the same level , each of them could win the 1. place. It is not possible to have the same attention for each girl. Gleichengaus and his choreographies are often boring, allways the same, he has too much to invent. He looks sometimes for plagiates- It is not possible to have more variety. You ore Gleichengaus h a v e , if you agree or not, favorites. It is naturally. Remember at Shenja and Alina. You have not an healthy environement, where all the girls can find loyality. You don’t have this and you don’t need this for yourself. It is not your fault- but it is a fact in your system. It does not work in the long run, you must agree. It is not possible. Aljona did the right decision to go, Sasha did the right decision, both follow their best couch Sergej Rozonow. Alexandra and Aljona will grow and so they will have more difficulties in jumping- you are not a coach of older girls. You know this und you would let her fall, be honest-immediately. You have other girls, younger. It doesn’t matter for you w h o win- one child w i l l win. That’s all. This is enough for your team- but not for the girls. Each of them deserve a personal coach, personal loyality, somoene who wishes all the best for his pupil/special girl. Jewegenia Medw. was the first girl, who experienced this- she is brave and smart- and so she did the right consequences. She had only 1 chance for Olympics. It wa sthat time. You knew this exactly. Because of the big number of talented girls you have a very toxic environement. I wish Aljona and Sasha the best. Unfortuately takes Aratunjan no russian figure scaters. This is such a pity , it is bad- Brian does- and very successfully. I wish both girls and the team of Plushenko all the best-with all my heart. Ok, now he has 2 girsl at the same level- but 2 is better than 10. Plushi do everything you can for the 2. For the Olympics would have played Aljona and Sasha in Eteris group no more an important role. It would have been this tiny child Anna and the newcomer Kamila Valiewa. But all these will also dissapear. Eteri, not all of your girls are stupid.You have a toxic system and you are the only winner in this.
Eteri, you are a great coach/great manager in coaching figure scating- no doubt. But you must agree, that figure scating is not a team sport and never will be. Competing, train with other good girls every day is basically ok, but you have an envoronement, methods that tis very toxic. You get the high talanted girls from other coaches- you take them from them away. Ok. I understand. But you have too many girls, each oh them could win the 1. place. It is not possible to have the same attention for each girl. Gleichengaus and his choreographies are often boring, allways the same, he has too much to invent. It is not possible to have more variety. You or Gleichengaus h a v e , if you agree or not, favorites. Remember at Shenja and Alina. You have not an healthy environement, where all the girls can find loyality. You don’t have this and you don’t nee this. It is not your fault- it is a fact in your system. It does not work in the long run, you must agree. It is not possible. Aljona did the right decision to go, Sasha did the right decision to follow their best couch Sergey Rozonow. Alexandra and Aljona will grow and so they will have more difficulties in jumping- you know this und you would let her fall, be honest-immediately. You have other girls, younger. It doesn’t matter for you w h o win- one child will win. This is enough for your team- but not for the girls.Each of them deserve a personal coach who wishes the best for his/thid special girl. Jewegenia Medw. was the first girl, who experienced this- she is brave and smart- and so she did the right consequences. Because of the big number of girls you have a very toxic environement. I wish Aljona and Sasha the best. Unfortuately takes Aratunjan no russian figure scaters. This is such a pity , it is bad- Brian does- and very successfully. I wish both girls and the team of Plushenko all the best-with all my heart. ok, now he has 2 girsl at the same level- but 2 is better than 10. For th eOlympics would have Aljona and Sasha played not an important role. it would have been this tiny child Anna and Kamila Valiewa. Eteri, not all of your girls are stupid.