Alexei Mishin: A new era of figure skating begins and it will be interesting
Alexei Mishin about Elizaveta Tuktamysheva and new rules.
Liza’s axel i”breathes” positively, I think and I hope that she will show a real, clean triple axle at the test skates, it’s on plans. A new era of figure skating begins and it will be interesting.
In the summer we worked productively, both programs are ready and they, in my opinion, are very successful and suit well the individual characteristics of the athlete. Short program – tango, and the free program is to “old fashion music”, Lisa is a happy woman of the 1920th, a girl turning into adult, pleased with herself, who broke a countless amount of men’s hearts.
About rules:
Moving from “-3 / + 3” system to “-5 / + 5” is just as revolutionary as canceling of the cumposlory figures was once. I think this will be a season of waves in the ocean of figure skating, and only at the end of this storm something will clear up.
When the compulsory exercises were canceled much has changed. The mark for talent has changed, new specialists, designers, music editors have appeared. The judges stopped crawling on the ice on their knees, figuring out what was happening there with the edges. What is happening today, is also a revolution, it will be interesting.
As a coach who has been involved in the theory of jumping all my life, I experience nostalgic feelings when good spins “+5” will cost more than the most complicated quads performed with a small mistake. Thousands of people can do a “+5” spin, only few can do a quad with a small mistake. In this case, I’m afraid of voluntarism.
Related topics: Alexei Mishin, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva
Good luck to Liza!