Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii: “This season we worked with Tutberidze and Gleikhengauz as choreographers for the first time. Our free program is their brainchild. It’s a biblical story, Dima is the Serpent Tempter, and I am Eve.”

Posted on 2024-09-19 • No comments yet


Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii about new programs and mindset for the season.

original source: dd. 15th September 2024 by Olga Ermolina

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In the interview Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii talk about their new programs and work with Eteri Tutberidze coaching staff. Here’ a translation of their comments.

Q: The season is behind us, adapting to the training group of coach Eteri Tutberidze, would you say that you’ve prepared a launchpad from which you are ready to conquer new peaks?

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: We already had a decent launchpad before. We were in a good position. But I can say that over the past season, we have made significant progress. We have definitely improved in the areas where we were lacking before. And we hope to maintain this positive momentum this season and in all the seasons to come.

Aleksandra Boikova: We’ve gotten used to the coaching team. We got accustomed to the training, the conditions, and the training system. And we want to say a big thank you to all the coaches and our entire team working with us at Eteri Georgievna’s rink for their attentive approach to their athletes and their requests. They truly deserve great gratitude. It’s very pleasant for us.

Q: What’s new in your training that wasn’t there before?

Aleksandra Boikova: System.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: We have a clear system, more intensive, thought-out loads. We really are skating more, working more. But the main thing is, we feel the return from it. We understand why we’re doing it, and we see the fruits of our work.

Aleksandra Boikova: Probably, in the last season, it was a bit difficult due to the heavy loads, as we tried to get used to the new system, to doing run-throughs. But this season, we understand that exactly these run-throughs are bearing fruit in competitions.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: We had to break ourselves, especially psychologically, because when you haven’t been doing it and you’re not 15 anymore, it’s hard to change the direction of your training. It’s not easy to change the psychology of the training process. We think we’ve managed it. For example, this season the loads that we found very difficult last year are now much easier for us, and we perceive them as a given.

Q: You’ve already shown your new short program to the soundtrack of the movie “Kill Bill” before the test skates in St. Petersburg.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: Yes, we performed the short program at an open practice last week.

Aleksandra Boikova: And the free program now, at the test skates in St. Petersburg.

Q: It’s choreographes to the music of the group “Freya,” correct?

Aleksandra Boikova: That’s one of the tracks our new free program is set to. Basically, it’s a mix. And the theme of the free program – is the third option. In this program, Dima is the Serpent Tempter, and I am Eve.

Q: A biblical story?

Aleksandra Boikova: Yes.

Q: I wonder how this will be reflected in the costumes.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: You’ll like it. It will be beautiful. Luxurious.

Aleksandra Boikova: The costumes this year are very thoughtful, both for the short and the free programs. For instance, in the free program, there is an element in the costume that is connected both with the program and with the biblical story. Dima and I have “gold” bracelets on our hands, and with our hands, we make repetitive movements that express the temptations that the Serpent Tempter pushes Eve toward, to break the prohibitions.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: It’s important to say that this season we worked for the first time with Eteri Tutberidze and Daniil Gleikhengauz as choreographers. Our programs last year were not done by them. They were revised by them but not choreographed. This was our first experience of this kind, and I can say we really liked it. We really enjoyed the process. Liked the attentive approach during the choreography. Very interesting ideas from Eteri Georgievna and Daniil. Very interesting finds from Alexei Tikhonov. It was an interesting creative process, which we enjoyed.

Aleksandra Boikova: It’s worth noting that the free program is the brainchild of Daniil Markovich and Eteri Georgievna. And before starting work on the short program, our coaches asked us what we wanted? And we suggested the idea of setting a program to music from the movie “Kill Bill.”

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: It’s nice that our coaches listen to the athletes’ opinions and take them into account, especially when the athlete suggests something good and really effective, working. For them, there’s no problem in bringing it to life.

Q: How do your new programs differ from the previous ones?

Aleksandra Boikova: Well, if we talk about the free program, we’re used to having a small stop in the middle, to catch our breath, so to speak. This season, we don’t have a single break in the free program.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: From the moment we start our program, we don’t stop until the very end.

Aleksandra Boikova: This is very challenging. But thanks to this, the program creates a complete impression, and the audience doesn’t have time to lose attention, to lose the thread of events. It’s so intense that it engages, speaking crudely, in the process.

Q: As they say, the program flies by in one breath, and the viewers think – too fast and too short.

Aleksandra Boikova: We hope for that effect.

Q: You both study at prestigious universities not related to sports, how necessary do you find this, given the opinion that if you have strength, you don’t need brains?

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: I wouldn’t argue so one-sidedly. It depends on a particular athlete’s desire and life ideas, his plans. If an athlete sees himself in sports in the future, something must be done for this. Obviously, his main activity provides a strong background, making it easier to integrate into the ‘coaching’ system, since you understand the whole process perfectly. When a person thinks that the regular sports system, ‘athletic to coach’ path, is not interesting to him, he starts investing in other directions. And again, something must be done for this.

Q: But you are interested in sports.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: I’m interested in sports as an athlete.

Aleksandra Boikova: At the moment.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: I don’t see myself as a coach.

Aleksandra Boikova: Same here.

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: So I’m investing in my future, to have certain options. I say this here and now. Desires and plans for people can change. They are prone to change. But when there is an alternative, it’s always pleasant.

Q: What do you expect from the new season? Or be careful what you wish for?

Dmitrii Kozlovskii: Wins. There’s no need to mince words. We train to win, to succeed. We hope that fortune, luck, and fate will be on our side.

Aleksandra Boikova: We do everything possible for this.”


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