“She’s listed among the athletes, but she needs to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Let her offer her services there.” Tarasova on Duhamel’s comment about transfers of Russian athletes

Posted on 2024-05-24 • 1 comment


Tatiana Tarasova commented on Meagan Duhamel’s statement about transfers of Russian athletes to other national teams.

source: MatchTV

photo Aleksandr Federov / Sport Express

Tatiana Tarasova responded to Duhamel’s statement about Russian transfers.

Earlier, Canadian figure skater Megan Duhamel claimed that the ISU should prevent the transfers of Russian skaters to other countries if they don’t train there.

“I think the ISU should be trying to stop any Russian from being released UNLESS they train in another country. Otherwise, they are still supporting the State sponsored program in Russia,” Duhamel posted on her X account.

“Duhamel needs to change her profession. She is listed among the athletes, but she needs to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Let her offer her services there.

She cannot find peace, and neither can we with her. She has already bothered us with her statements.

I would like to ask Duhamel, in her main job will she show us something new? Or will she be discussing Russians? She needs to focus on herself,” said Tatiana Tarasova.


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One response to ““She’s listed among the athletes, but she needs to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Let her offer her services there.” Tarasova on Duhamel’s comment about transfers of Russian athletes”

  1. Jacko Man says:

    Speaking of state sponsor, Canadian parliament allocate funds for canadian sports and somewhere down the line, to figure skating affairs. The same parliament that gave standing ovation to a nazi. Heil Hunka!!!

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