“Loena Hendricks when she skates well and gives modest interviews.” Evgenia Medvedeva named best skaters of the season

Posted on 2024-04-10 • No comments yet


Translation of Evgenia Medvedeva’s comments about best skaters of this season.

original source: TASS

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Evgenia Medvedeva named the best figure skaters of the season and MVP. Here’s a translation of her comment.

“The female [revelation of the season] is Adelia Petrosyan. The pairs have been alternating for years. Among the boys, I like how Petya Gumenik skates now, it’s a revelation for me this season.

Internationally, Malinin is beyond competition, it is obvious. Adam Siao Him Fa is not the MVP of the season, unfortunately. Among the girls, Loena Hendricks when she skates well and gives modest interviews, Isabeau Levito is doing great. The MVP is Kaori Sakomoto, she’s awesome,” said two-time world champion Medvedeva.


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