Ari Zakarian: “Previously, people didn’t even think that it was possible to perform the things that Malinin performs now. And it’s just the beginning. It’s not the limit of his capabilities.”

Posted on 2024-04-09 • No comments yet


Translation of Ari Zakarian’s comments about Ilia Malinin and development of figure skating.

original source: dd. 8th April 2024 by Victor Majorov

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Ilia Malinin’s agent Ari Zakarian expressed his thoughts about the skater’s season and shared what surprised him the most. Here’s a translation of his comments made in the interview with Mataratings.

Q: Ari, Ilia Malinin had an outstanding performance at the World Championships. Many believed that he would become the world champion, but did you think that he would be able to set a new world record?

Ari Zakarian: Yes, I expected it. The more I work with Ilia, the better I understand him. I’m absolutely amazed by the unique person he is. I don’t know if it’s nature or upbringing. If God wills and no injuries occur he can show some really unique things.

Q: Was he focused on the record or was victory more important?

Ari Zakarian: I can’t ask Ilia about the record, but he’s the type of person who, if he wants something, he achieves it anyway. He’s a perfectionist.

Q: Prior to the World Championships, Malinin was ill and also had injuries. Wasn’t there a desire from him or his coaches to simplify the program?

Ari Zakarian: I think Ilia makes most of the decisions himself because he’s a grown boy. The coaches can only suggest what to do and how to do it. When Ilia goes out on the ice, he relies entirely on himself. So, I can’t say anything here.

Q: What does this victory mean for world figure skating? Is it a new stage in the evolution of the sport?

Ari Zakarian: In the U.S., there’s been a rush around Ilia, although figure skating is currently not as popular as it used to be. His recognition is growing very quickly, even though he’s only been in elite status for a year and a half. Ilia is moving forward, and his victory, I hope, will increase the interest in figure skating worldwide. It’s very good for the sport. The main thing is not to make any mistakes and keep moving in this direction.

Q: You’re saying that recognition has increased – where? In Japan, the U.S., or worldwide?

Ari Zakarian: In the U.S., Ilia had a large number of press requests on the first day. His victory video was shown on many TV channels. The country talked a lot about him, and I think this was the case around the world. His victory was very significant to me because the response was huge. It’s understandable that we haven’t yet reached the Olympics in terms of emotions, but it was very close.

Q: Can figure skating in the U.S., in case of Malinin’s continued success, become as popular and mass as in Russia or Japan?

Ari Zakarian: That’s what we’re counting on, I’m very positive in this regard. I think Ilia can change figure skating for the better.

Q: Has there been an increased interest in Malinin from American business after his victory? Are there any offers already?

Ari Zakarian: Not just American, but global. Yes, of course, we are currently negotiating. Definitely his victory has had a very positive impact on what’s happening with us. There are a lot of different and interesting offers, and we will move forward gradually. At the moment, we are preparing Malinin’s show on April 19th in Washington.

Q: Will the show be on the hockey Washington arena?

Ari Zakarian: No, another one. We are not yet aiming at arenas with a capacity of 20 thousand people, but I think we will eventually come to that too.

Q: Has there been any, so to say, extravagant offers, from TV shows like Late Night Show, for example? After all, we have to admit that Malinin has an attractive appearance from different sides.

Ari Zakarian: Yes, we’re in interesting negotiations. At the moment, I wouldn’t want to jump ahead, but we’ll be moving forward in not only figure skating.

Q: Has there been an offer from any Hollywood company?

Ari Zakarian: Negotiations are underway, all in the working schedule. We will definitely provide information as soon as we achieve the desired result.

Q: In general, in your opinion, is the American school of figure skating now on the rise?

Ari Zakarian: Well, by results, yes, but not very recognizable. Ice dancers Madison Chock and Evan Bates won the World Championships for the second time, and Isabeau Levito took silver. There hasn’t been a sharp rise yet, it’s just beginning. I think that Ilia in this matter, of course, played a big role. His victory is a very symbolic event.

Q: Do you think that after Malinin’s victory, skaters will start trying en masse to complicate their programs? Or can’t anyone catch up with Ilia?

Ari Zakarian: The guys are trying, they’re very good. I think at this World Championships another star has opened up – Mexican figure skater Donovan Carrillo. He showed himself very well, a really talented guy. I’m sure we’ll hear about him next year. Generally, it’s great that Mexico has never shone before, and now they have a talented guy.

There’s also a very strong skater from Kazakhstan, Misha Shaidorov. I see a huge potential in him. Also, of the new athletes, I would like to note Aleksandr Selevko from Estonia, who showed a very balanced program.

Naturally, Yuma Kagiyama is also very talented. I think he will be our main competitor. Also, of course, Adam Siao Him Fa cannot go unmentioned. At the World Championships, he performed a brilliant program, leaping from 19th place into the medals. The competitors are very serious, so there’s no resting next year, only moving forward.

Q: Will there be the most intense competition in men’s figure skating in all of history in the future?

Ari Zakarian: I think yes. Next year, the same Kagiyama will add a lot in technique to win over Ilia. In my opinion, all the guys will take on new elements.

Q: In your opinion, will everyone be jumping quadruple in the future? Will everything become that complicated?

Ari Zakarian: I think yes. Ilia has raised the bar so high that now everyone understands that to compete with him, they need to step up significantly.

Q: Why didn’t anyone use complex jumps and elements before? Is it a feature of the training process, or complex programs were not required to win before?

Ari Zakarian: Previously, people didn’t even think that it was possible to perform the things that Ilia performs now. Now it’s about overcoming human and physiological maximalism. I’m sure that at least three athletes will be jumping quintuple jumps by 2030.

Q: Do you already see potential for this in someone?

Ari Zakarian: Yes. I think that Kagiyama and the young Russian boys are quite capable of this.

Q: Which Russian boys, in your opinion?

Ari Zakarian: I really like Arseny Fedotov and Lev Lazarev. Dikidzhi is also a very ambitious guy, he has a youthful maximalism. I think he might show something interesting.

Q: Could they show something interesting now if it wasn’t for the suspension? Could the guys compete for at least the medals, considering the competition in men’s figure skating?

Ari Zakarian: I don’t know. They would need to compete with everyone else to see. It would have been very difficult to make it into the top three at the moment.

Q: A year ago, Ilia’s grandfather bluntly stated that if Ilia were competing for Russia, he would hardly have achieved such heights. Do you agree with this opinion?

Ari Zakarian: I don’t know, it’s his grandfather’s opinion. I can neither disprove nor confirm it because everything depends on the circumstances. As they say, it’s not all that clear cut.

Q: Has Ilia ever thought about competing for Russia rather than the USA?

Ari Zakarian: We haven’t had that conversation. Ilia’s rise in world figure skating happened during the pandemic, so it just continued as it was.

Q: In your opinion, does Malinin currently have the potential to become as popular in Russia as our female figure skaters, who draw huge television ratings?

Ari Zakarian: Russia has a very educated audience. Fans have a good understanding of figure skating, so they are probably following Ilia’s successes too. We receive many messages on social networks with congratulations from Russians. This is very pleasing to us.

Q: Will Malinin come to Russia with any show program? Or is it hard to imagine this right now for political reasons?

Ari Zakarian: Right now, Ilia’s schedule is almost completely booked – it’s very dense. He is now preparing for the World Championships in Boston, so we are setting our sights on next year. Besides, there are the Olympics after that. Of course, Ilia is a world-class skater, which is why everything is going as planned. God willing, if the situation becomes more promising, we would be happy to perform everywhere.

Q: Perhaps the Olympics for Ilia is the most important competition, for which he will maximally complicate his program, in order to guarantee first place. Are there already any hints at the Olympics?

Ari Zakarian: There’s no specific information on what Ilia will show at the Olympics yet. But knowing him, I think that his performance in Montreal is just the beginning. It’s not the limit of his capabilities.

Q: This season was the second without Russians. Do you think the level of world competitions has fallen?

Ari Zakarian: I can’t answer this question specifically. Right now at world competitions, the ice dancers are skating very interestingly, the programs were very intense, and the audience was charged. Also, the geography of the competitions has become absolutely universal: Canada, America, Italy, Lithuania, France, England… Before, mainly only Russians, French, Canadians, and Americans participated.

In pair skating, Deanna Stellato-Dudek made a human feat. I am amazed at her achievements. They skated very interestingly and technically, at a high level. Before this, Deanna hadn’t been involved in figure skating for 16 years! Just five years ago she decided that she wanted to resume her career and became a World Champion. This is an extraordinary and unique achievement of a person, as well as a wonderful example for everyone else. This is from “the impossible is possible”. Deanna is unique, simply unreal.

In men’s competitions, we all saw it ourselves. I think that the level there is very high. In women’s skating, again, to know how our girls would compete, they have to actually participate. Then you can say something. For example, last year Ilia performed a total of 8 quadruple jumps at the World Championships, including a quadruple axle, but took third place.

Now judging is such that jumps do not decide everything. A lot depends on what program, what choreography, what quality of skates, what exits after jumps. If before jumps decided everything, then with the current judging system, the sport has dramatically changed. It is not known how the Russian gyes would skate under the new rules.

Q: Are two years of suspension a rather negative factor for our figure skating? Do you get the feeling that other world schools will develop better than Russian ones because of this?

Ari Zakarian: It’s possible, but at the same time, so much is happening in Russia! Every day something is happening somewhere in different parts of the country, all the guys are performing and earning money, they have a wonderful life. It’s a sin to complain, as they say. Guys have the opportunity to compete a lot, and I know that they earn well now.

Q: Don’t you have a feeling that the competetive level of Russian athletes has decreased due to the suspension?

Ari Zakarian: Everything is relative. When figure skaters compete together, then you can say something. The only thing I can say is that now a lot is happening in Russia. Almost every week there are different competitions and shows. I think there is also a fairly serious competition in Russia, albeit internal.

Q: As for the Valieva scandal, how was it received within American figure skating? Do they sympathize with Kamila or Eteri or, on the contrary, condemn them for doping?

Ari Zakarian: I think everyone has their own opinion and everyone looks at this situation in their own way. So I can’t say anything definitive.

Q: You mentioned Deanna Stellato, who returned after a 16-year hiatus. Valieva will be disqualified for 4 years, that is, she will return only at the start of the Olympics. Can the story of the Canadian skater inspire Kamila?

Ari Zakarian: Anything can happen. Everything depends on the person and their inner core. There have been many comebacks in life, so it’s impossible to deny everything. In the situation with Valieva, everything depends on her.

Q: You mentioned that next year will be a very interesting race in men’s figure skating. In general, do you think next year in world figure skating will be more interesting than this year?

Ari Zakarian: I think it will be about 30 percent more interesting. If not more. First of all, the World Championships will be held in Boston, USA, and ticket sales are going very well, according to preliminary data.

Secondly, Ilia made a huge leap of interest to figure skating. I think that during the year he will show a lot more in the media field. And not just in the media. This will also be a big indicator. Overall, now in America, interest in figure skating will be rising in anticipation of the home World Championships and Olympics.”


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