“A deliberately planned attack to ensure that the Olympic team medal went to the American team”; “Burn in hell, bitches.” Russian coaches and functionaries about the decision on Valieva’s case

Posted on 2024-01-30 • 15 comments


Translation of the comments made by Russian figure skating leadership and coaches regarding the CAS decision to sanction Valieva with a four-year ban.

original source: RSport / MatchTV / MatchTV / RSport / MatchTV / MatchTV / MatchTV / MatchTV


“It was difficult to expect an objective decision in this situation. The federation is not a party to the process; we have received the information, which will be thoroughly analyzed.

We believe that Russian figure skaters are Olympic champions in the team event,” said Alexander Kogan the head of Russian Figure Skating Federation

“I am surprised by such a decision because it is very strict. I expected something a bit different.

Kamila needs, naturally, to be supported,” said the Honorary Vice President of the International Skating Union (ISU) Alexandr Lakernik.

“The decision is outrageous, unjust. One cannot treat such a wonderful figure skater and a wonderful young woman in this way. I have nothing more to add,” said the head coach of the Russian national team Elena Tchaikovskaya

“Scoundrels and lawless people. Of course, an appeal must be filed against this decision. You have to fight scums using their own methods.

In our country, Kamila will be able to compete. She is a strong girl and will overcome everything.

Damn them, filthy pigs. They unleash all their anger on a little girl, venting their fury on our country,” said the Honored Coach of the USSR Tatiana Tarasova.

“I don’t know how to comment on this. Very unfortunate! There are simply no words. It seemed like we were prepared, but we still hoped that reason would prevail. It turns out that the most gifted athlete is deprived of the opportunity to continue her career.

We all worried for her. I would even say that there is no person in Russia who did not worry about Kamila. But I think that other doors will open, and she will find the strength in herself… I don’t know, it’s all very complicated. I still believed that it would be resolved,” said Elena Buyanova

“This is the most severe and harsh decision. Honestly, I am in shock! But I expected this. One should not expect anything positive when it comes to Russian athletes, coaches, and, in general, Russian people.

Will Valieva continue her career? I don’t know. I think this decision will hit her hard. But she can skate in shows or showcase her talents in other capacities.

Kamila is a very talented individual. It’s really unfortunate that we’ve lost the career of the most talented figure skater of all time,” said Alexander Zhulin.

“CAS has rendered a decision unprecedented in its cruelty. Kamila is a unique athlete; she did not deserve such punishment, becoming a victim of the bureaucratic machine.

I hoped for an objective decision, for justice, given that we are talking about the highest sports arbitration. Instead, we witnessed a deliberately planned attack to ensure that the Olympic team medal went to the American team.

Attacks on our sport have been ongoing since 2006; they are trying to weaken and destroy us in every possible way. Kamila has become a victim of an unsportsmanlike struggle, where everything is done for the sake of one or two countries,” said doctor Philipp Shvetsky.

“Burn in hell, bitches. That’s it! There will be consequences for everything, the time will come. For all our athletes, for our fallen people.

Everyone will be held accountable. It’s damn politics, just politics,” said the former choreographer of Eteri Tutberidze’s group Alexei Zheleznyakov


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15 Responses to ““A deliberately planned attack to ensure that the Olympic team medal went to the American team”; “Burn in hell, bitches.” Russian coaches and functionaries about the decision on Valieva’s case”

  1. Jacko Man says:

    You think Russia, who is under heavy doping watch list didnt order their athletes to submit their samples for internal testing before they send newer samples abroad? Or maybe Kamila was such a drug addict, that once she passed the internal testing, she chug more of that shit in. PED bender before nationals, sounds like a Russian thing, right?

    We’re talking about 2021 technology here. Any decent hospital in a first world country can serve hundreds of lab tests a day. Result queues are never stalled.
    There was a pandemic, so not many sporting events were held that require demanding resources. The olympics was the only resource draining event. And it’s a effing WINTER OLYMPICS!!

    Yeah, the timing of the test results coming in was just so poorly planned. All athletes boarding a plane from their country to the olympics should already be verified as clean. They let Kamila to skate at team FP and then they announced it. They gotta have that result at least a week before. Tuktik packed her bags, died of jet lag and Shcherbakova and Trusova were next in line for team event.

  2. No war says:

    Thank you, Carolina, for your comment. You have expressed my thoughts and opinion better than I’d have been able to;) Internal investigation in Russia is needed in order to clarify what really has happened. Unfortunately, this has not been done. And I do feel sorry for Kamila and other clean and great Russian athletes.

  3. Gary Lineket says:

    It’s a pity that sports in Russia is not independent but instead contolled by the Kremlin. Faking surprise after doping your athletes. The Russian FS federation is the one responsible for destroying an athletes career.

  4. Gene says:

    To Hanna,

    Again I ask, what is your nationality, the nation of your birth? I was born in California in the US and have lived in the US my entire life I’ve never been to Russia or to Europe. I read about current events in the world and make my own decisions. Are you Russian? What’s a troll?

  5. Hanna says:

    You might be living in US, but you’re either Russian native or Russian troll. Why? Only those two groups of people react with the standard phrase “You know nothing about Russia” when facing criticism towards the country. And on top of this you gave me a whole, copy and paste ready piece of Kremlin’s propaganda, complete with Middle East and denying of russian corruption, which I did not even mention. As for my nationality, it’s enough for you to know I am European. And if you really want to know my points of view you might want to reread my very first post. Enough about that.

  6. Hanna says:

    You might be living in US, but you’re either Russian native or Russian troll. Why? Only those two groups of people react with the standard phrase “You know nothing about Russia” when facing criticism towards the country. And on top of this you gave me a whole, copy and paste ready piece of Kremlin’s propaganda, complete with Middle East and denying of russian corruption, which I did not even mention. As for my nationality, it’s enough for you to know I am European. And if you really want to know my points of view you might want to reread my very first post. Enough about that.

  7. Fashionista says:

    To Laura. I agree with the CAS decision because obviously athletes that test positive shouldn’t be allowed to compete. But I don’t think sanctioning individual athletes will really change anything. And I don’t think sanctioning individual coaches would really change anything either. Because we’re talking about state sponsored doping, ie orchestrated at the highest institutional level. Therefore I think any meaningful sanctions would have to be against institutions, not against individuals.

  8. Laura says:

    It all comes down to fair play, nothing more nothing less.In all sport if you are found guilty of taking drugs you are banned. This should not even have taken this long to decide.The coaches involved should also be prosecuted or it will continue. I think drug testing the elite athletes once a month randomly is in order.

  9. Gene says:

    To Hanna,

    I’m an American, I’m not Russian. I’m a great admirer of Russian figure skating and watch on Channel 1. I follow current events not on the mainstream media but on other media outlets on the Internet. I brought up valid points on my previous post, which of them do you dispute? What is your nationality?

  10. Carolina says:

    It is indeed a tragedy and a betrayal for Valieva. But it is not the organisations or other countries who betray Kamila, it is her own ‘team’ who doped her (and who knows what others.) There was never denial that substance was in her system in sample a or b, only complaining about how long it took for test results. Well ok but results are the same shocking thing no matter that it takes 6 weeks to be realized.

    Kamila herself it seems never knew what someone was giving to her but if not someone in her machine did this to her, no others. Many other examples of athletes having a doping result and not knowing the cause exactly but still getting a banned period. Kamila being Russian is not treated any differently but in this case it seems the Russian coaches and officials don’t want the fairness of being treated the same, they want the sport to say that this doping doesn’t matter, let it go like it never happened.

    Shame to those truly responsible for doing this to a young talented child. But those people are all in her country, and they hurt her, all Russian skaters too and clean athletes around the world

  11. Shazza says:

    Honestly, what’s more likely: a multi-national, multi-tiered, perfectly executed conspiracy plot to hurt and embarrass Russian figure skating, when outside of our skating fan bubble most people don’t care about the sport to begin with and wouldn’t have been able to pick Kamila out of a lineup of 10 random skaters and especially when the individual gold medal went to Russia regardless,just to another skater? Or that someone at home doped that kid and now she’s the unfortunate one taking the fall? If your answer is the first scenario, then there’s likely someone out there waiting to sell you a bridge..

  12. Hanna says:

    Gene, you are writing this long, angry post, being sure I am from US?! Well, this is just another illustration of russian state of mind. Unfortunately I know more about Russia that I would like to and I’m definitely not from US. And above all – I have a full right to have opinions about your country and to express them freely.

  13. Gene says:

    You know nothing about Russia, it’s people, or it’s institutions. All you know is what Joe Biden tells you. So don’t talk about corruption in a country you’ve never visited, coming from a country, the US, whose Government is corrupt, whose president is a national disgrace, guilty of taking bribes and responsible for the mass murder of hundreds of thousands in the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe. The IOC and the ISU are vassals of the US and western countries, whom it controls by bullying and intimidation. Remember Marion Jones the US sprinter and multiple gold medalist from the 2000 Summer Olympics. She passed her doping tests at that Olympics and at other competitions. It was only discovered, years later, by a grand jury, that she was doping. The IOC passed Marion Jones’ drug test at the 2000 Summer Olympics while delaying for a month and a half the result of the young Russian athlete, choosing to divulge it after the team event in an obvious attempt to embarrass that athlete’s country before the world. These two events seriously call into question the credibility of the IOC and all of its minions. Remember that the CAS was created by the IOC. So Spare me your sanctimonious indignation.

  14. Hana Jurasek says:

    I think it’s the proper decision. Next time go clean and there won’t be any problems. Hopefully RUSIAN athletes will learn their lessons for the future!!

  15. Hanna says:

    Oh, this is almost funny. Russians normally keep repeating they’re above everything, everyone and every rule. So, why are they so infuriated when excluded? Aren’t they just happy at home, in their own company? But seriously now – state sponsored doping and war in Ukraine are two very heavy reasons for keeping Russia out of international competitions. But honestly, their scandalous behavior, their entitlement, their arrogance make a very strong third one. They simply do not place in the world of clean, sporty rivalry. Not as long as they hold such attitudes toward the rest of the World.

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