Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and sanctioned with a four-year period of ineligibility commencing on 25 December 2021

Posted on 2024-01-29 • 3 comments


Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and sanctioned with a four-year period of ineligibility.

original source: tas-cas.org

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Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and sanctioned with a four-year period of ineligibility commencing on 25 December 2021.

Acording to CAS Media Release, “Having carefully considered
all the evidence put before it, the CAS Panel concluded that Ms Valieva was not able to establish, on the balance of probabilities and on the basis of the evidence before the Panel, that she had not committed the ADRV intentionally (within the meaning of the Russian ADR).

The CAS Panel stressed that the test with respect to intention under Clause 12.2 of the Russian ADR is one and the same whether the athlete is an adult or a Protected Person. It means that if a Protected Person fails to discharge the burden (which under the Russian ADR is borne by the athlete) that he or she did not commit ADRV intentionally, there is no basis under the rules to treat them any differently from an
adult athlete. Accordingly, since it was determined that there was no scope for the exercise of discretion to reduce the period of ineligibility, a four-year period of ineligibility was imposed by the Panel.

The period of ineligibility starts on 25 December 2021 and any period of provisional suspension served
by Ms Valieva is to be credited against that period of ineligibility. The CAS Panel also ordered the
disqualification all competitive results achieved by Ms Valieva from 25 December 2021, with all the
resulting consequences (including forfeiture of any titles, awards, medals, profits, prizes, and appearance

The consequences linked to the retroactive disqualification of Ms Valieva from past events, including
from the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, were not within the scope of this arbitration procedure
and will have to be examined by the sports organisations concerned.”


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3 Responses to “Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and sanctioned with a four-year period of ineligibility commencing on 25 December 2021”

  1. FSlover says:

    She can’t even restore her quad jumps this year so going to 2026 Olympics will be definitely out of her scope

  2. Fashionista says:

    I agree 100% with the sanctioning of the athlete and the disqualification of the results. I also think it’d make sense to impose similar sanctions on the coaches in a similar CAE arbitration procedure, if that’s something the CAE can do. But I don’t agree with placing moral responsibility on either the athlete or the coaches. Because the athlete and the coaches live in a country that isn’t a democracy. How can you hold people morally responsible for decisions, when those people don’t have basic freedoms, including the freedom to say ‘no’?

  3. random-name says:

    They’re letting her go to the 2026 olympics, but well, no athlete of Eteri has ever had a second olympic season :D

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