“When you go somewhere they are after you all the time, your life turns upside down. It hits your psyche. I was in no way prepared for this.” Julia Lipnitskaya about fame after the Olympics

Posted on 2023-12-02 • 1 comment


Translation of Julia Lipnitskaya’s comments about her first coach and Olympics.

original source: sports.ru

photo Vladimir Velengurin / KP

Here’s a translation of Julia Lipnitskaya’s comments about her about her first coach Elena Levkovets and Olympics.

“Julia Lipnitskaya: Elena Arnoldovna (Levkovets – Julia’s first coach) always treated me a bit differently. From a very young age, she said that I needed to skate more than everyone else. She saw great potential in me, and from the very beginning, she started telling my mom that three hours per week is too little, that I should skate more.

She could come and pick me up from kindergarten herself. Seriously, she went by car, picked me up from the kindergarten because she wanted to take me to practice. It was her desire. Not my mom chasing after her, saying, ‘Take us for an extra hour.’ My mom would say, ‘Why bother, let her skate the way she skates now.’

On the contrary, coach would say, ‘It’s necessary, try it.’ She would pick me up, dress me, and put on my skates — just like a mother would.

I am immensely grateful to her for this now. If not for every little moment in my childhood, everything I have now would not exist.

If she hadn’t paid attention to me back then and hadn’t started working with me more than with everyone else, I probably wouldn’t have made it to Moscow. Nothing significant would have happened in my life. I would have gone to school and eaten buns, as my mom always said.

She managed to instill in me a love for figure skating. When I left Yekaterinburg, I was a happy child who adored skating. I wasn’t overwhelmed with the workload. I knew that, for my age and in my region, I was doing well. I knew that; I felt perfectly fine. Until I came to Moscow, haha.

As my first coach, she did the maximum for me. And I am immensely grateful to her for that.”

Julia Lipnitskaya shared how her victory in Sochi-2014 changed her life. The figure skater became an Olympic champion in the team event.

“Julia Lipnitskaya: I was happy because, probably, this was what I had been striving for throughout my entire sports life. I remember being very glad that the whole team had medals, that we were the first, and that I didn’t let anyone down.

When you go somewhere they are after you all the time, your life turns upside down. That’s it, it hits your psyche. Because I was in no way prepared for this,” Lipnitskaya


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One response to ““When you go somewhere they are after you all the time, your life turns upside down. It hits your psyche. I was in no way prepared for this.” Julia Lipnitskaya about fame after the Olympics”

  1. Mme. Dilettante says:

    Among all Russian skaters, Yulia is special. While others may have surpassed her technical abilities, no one has equaled her authenticity, her quiet emotion on the ice. And I’m not even referring to her 2014 programs, which were ripe with sadness. As she grew older, it was clear that Yulia was feeling something when she skated.

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