Stanislava Konstantinova: “I’d like to choreograph for Amber Glenn or Marin Honda. Among the men, I would really like to create something for Jason Brown, but that’s obvious, and Shoma Uno.”

Posted on 2023-09-14 • No comments yet


Former figure skater Stanislava Konstantinova talked about her work as a choreographer.

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source: MatchTV

Konstantinova is a silver medalist from the 2018/2019 Grand Prix event in Finland. In January, she announced the end of her competitive career and is currently working as a choreographer and coach at the Ice Skaters Association (I.S.A.) training camp.

How is the choreography work going?

Stanislava Konstantinova: I really like it. It’s a hobby, my way to relax. I can’t say that I enjoy editing music, but I enjoy selecting it. I apparently have an ear for it, and I can mix it very well.

I finally found a proper application for it. Now I don’t have drafts that I send to musicians with the caption “Don’t judge me too harshly, I did with the tools I have,” ha-ha. The process has become much easier.

I love choreographing programs for young skaters, of course, but now I want to work with more adult athletes. I tell all my friends from figure skating, “Let me choreograph an exhibition program for you, let me create a routine just for fun!”

Have many of them agreed?

Stanislava Konstantinova: Well, everyone has agreed already, ha-ha. I enjoy working with older athletes: those with the first sports category, masters of sports. They are ready for anything, and they already have a lot of skills. They can do everything, and you help develop their abilities.

I still start with the music, listen to the same piece many times, find the rhythm, and then see what my student can do. Usually, I say to do it the first time “as you feel.” Where the arms and legs will go, we’ll create something out of it; that’s my approach. I try to involve the core a lot.

In my view, choreography in figure skating cannot stand still. It needs to incorporate a lot more from outside – dances that aren’t typical for figure skating. This is very important. In my choreography, I try not to forget about beautiful positions.

She also mentioned the figure skaters she would like to choreograph programs for.

“I’d like to choreograph for Amber Glenn or Marin Honda. Among the men, I would really like to create something for Jason Brown, but that’s obvious. Shoma (Uno).

Actually, I’d like to choreograph for everyone, ha-ha. I find it very interesting right now. I’ve choreographed a lot for kids. I can come up with and set everything in two hours,” Konstantinova noted.


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